Coping with the Holidays
Coping with the holidays when we are battling cancer can be an added stress rather than a time of joy. Worrying about what to eat, how to eat, not able to enjoy our meals, and managing nausea and vomiting can be a challenge. Not being able to participate in gatherings due to low counts or concerns about CoVID can aggravate a sense of loneliness and depression. Difficulty traveling because you have clotting issues, concerns about crowds and multiple medications can make one feel left out. And then there is the biggest stress of all: how to truly experience joy, how to truly be present when we are afraid of not being here at all.
Join us as Dr. Roy and her team tackle this thorny topic and help us to navigate the holidays and get to the other side, intact and with some peace.
Registration Details: The registration link will take you to the Gilda’s Club event calendar. Please be sure to click on the Coping with the Holidays event on December 16th. If you are not a Gilda’s member, you will need to create a free account with just your name and email.